Contact / Submissions


If you have an essay/review/story/interview that you think Radix readers would find meaningful, we invite your queries at Such queries should briefly describe the article you are proposing and include your contact information. Please also include a 30-50 word bio. Send us something in the neighborhood of 300 words in the body of the email (no attachments) and we promise to consider it and respond within about four weeks. Please include the word “query” in the subject line. You can also send us a complete piece, though we prefer a query first. In general, our pieces run from between 1500-2500 words. Our blogs are generally under 1000 words.

We assume that when you submit something to us, you are familiar with Radix Magazine content.

We publish previously published material (except for fiction; see guidelines below).

The pesky copyright stuff: by submitting your work to Radix Magazine, or giving Radix Magazine permission to publish your work, you agree:

  • that all works submitted are your creation; that Radix Magazine’s reproduction and distribution of the work will not violate any copyright or other right of any third party;
  • that you are granting Radix Magazine print and electronic publication rights to the work submitted;
  • that you are granting full and exclusive reprint permission for any item we publish, unless otherwise indicated;
  • that you are granting the subsequent right to reproduce, distribute, adapt, or display the work.


Annie Dillard said that “fiction writers are . . . thoughtful interpreters of the world.” To that end, Radix is seeking writers who wrestle with luminosity and darkness, tending neither towards sugar-coated Christianese nor gratuitous depictions of despair, but rather creating stories that, in Makoto Fujimura’s words, “help to mediate divided realities and bring the wholeness of the gospel message.” 

  • We love stories that bring excellence to the craft of fiction writing, which may include humor, wit, well-rendered scenes, believable characters, and engaging plots. 
  • Characters should not draw on stereotypes or tropes but should be rendered with the full range of human complexity and diversity. 
  • Plots should have tension throughout, and endings do not need to wrap up everything with a tidy bow. 
  • Word count – We are looking for stories between 1000 – 3500 words. 
  • Formatting – Please double space your work, add page numbers, and use 12-point font in Times New Roman.
  • We do not publish previously published stories. 
  • Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, but please let us know if your piece has been published elsewhere.
  • We accept only electronic submissions. Submit in a single document, in a standard word-processing format (.doc or .docx). 
  • Please include a brief bio that includes your name and email.
  • We regret that we cannot provide payment for fiction at this time.
  • Please use our submit button below. (Note: We charge a $3 fee for submissions to cover the cost of our submissions platform, which allows us to more efficiently and personally communicate with our writers.)

Submit through Duosuma


We are looking for well crafted, imaginative poems that express what it is to be human in the 21st Century, especially (but not exclusively) narrative and related to one’s religious faith journey. We seek poems that consider Christian perspectives and engage spiritual themes. We’re looking for riveting poetry that wakes us up, moves us emotionally, and helps us see the world in new and attentive ways.

We accept only electronic submissions. Submit up to 4 poems at a time, in a single document, in a standard word-processing format (.doc or .docx), 50 lines max per poem.

We prefer poems that do not have complex line breaks as these are difficult to replicate on a web page.

Please include a short bio (five lines, max) that includes name and email with the poems. We accept simultaneous submissions. However, we request that you send a quick email if another publication accepts your work. Additionally, upon acceptance in Radix Magazine, please withdraw your pieces from other considerations.

We will consider previously published material so long as you sustain rights to the work. Please state where and when the poem was previously published so we can credit them.

Why does Radix charge for fiction and poetry submissions?

We charge a $3 fee for submissions to cover the cost of our submissions platform, which allows us to more efficiently and personally communicate with our writers. After that cost, your money goes toward normal (shoestring) operating expenses. Please use our submit button below.

Submit through Duosuma