Bob and Gracie Ekblad are the founders and co-directors of Tierra Nueva (New Earth) in Burlington, Washington. Together, they lead a vibrant ministry that serves marginalized communities, including immigrants, inmates, and those struggling with addiction, through their home-based retreat center, New Earth Refuge, nestled in the Skagit Valley. Bob, ordained in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), holds a ThD in Old Testament and is known for his engaging courses on biblical interpretation. He also serves as the director of The People’s Seminary and is a part-time chaplain at Skagit County Jail. Some of his better-known books – and we highly recommend them – include Reading the Bible with the Damned, Guerilla Gospel, and The Beautiful Gate.…
A psychotherapist and professor explores depolarization, emotional intelligence, safe spaces, humility, and curiosity…
C. Christopher Smith is the founding editor of The Englewood Review of Books and author of Slow Church: Cultivating Community in the Patient Way of Jesus (co-authored with John Pattison); Reading for the Common Good, How the Body of Christ Talks: Recovering the Practice of Conversation in the Church; along with others. In this interview, and especially from his perspective as an editor, Chris shares about…
What is an editor's perspective on polarization, harmoney, empathy and reading?…
2024 is the 101 year anniversary of Buber's book I and Thou.…
Marilyn McEntyre is a glorious blend of author, educator, speaker, poet, and grandparent. Her teaching and writing have ranged widely: along with American literature, she has taught Medical Humanities, Literature and the Natural World, Portraiture and Character in Literature and Art, Approaches to Autobiography, and a variety of other writing courses. Her books – both popular and academic – include the likes of Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies, Speaking Peace in a Climate of Conflict, When Poets Pray, and many others. She has written for numerous magazines and journals and shared her voice in an assortment of podcasts. …
If the main theme of this interview were to be summed up in two words, it would be “bridge building.”…
In this interview Ron talks about the complex negotiation that needs to take place between truth and unity…
Robyn Wrigley-Carr is Associate Professor in Spirituality and Spiritual Care at the University of Divinity, Australia.…
John Franklin is the executive director of Imago, a national initiative in support of Christians in the arts in Canada. His special interest is in theology and the arts. John has taught philosophy at Tyndale College and theology at Tyndale Seminary and Trinity College at the Toronto School of Theology, University of Toronto. He serves as chair of Lausanne Movement Canada, and is coordinator of the World Evangelical Alliance—Mission Commission’s Task Force on Art in Mission. John is also a writer, and contributes papers to conversations that make space for the arts and spirituality.…
Betty Spackman is a multi-media installation artist, painter, author, speaker, and educator who has worked and exhibited internationally for over thirty years.…