Hospitality and the Value of Listening Presence

by Joy Steem
When I die, I think I would like a wooden rocker engraved upon my headstone. There is something comforting about a rocker; and the powerful symbolism is one of gentle invitation. For me, that’s the message of the Gospel: a gentle call to unburden ourselves and find strength in true rest. But it’s not a solitary or lonely silence; rather, it is rest in good company, where we come to recognize ourselves in both our collective and individual stories.…

Taking Eros to Church: Charles Williams and Romantic Theology

by Laura N. Van Dyke
When I encountered my first Charles Williams novel in an undergraduate class fifteen years ago, I wasn’t sure what I had just read but knew I wanted more. So I went to the campus library and checked out his other six novels. A week later I had read them all, and while I didn’t know then that I would go on to spend almost a decade working on a PhD involving Williams’s writing, I knew that something about his view of the world had changed mine.…

“When I begin the long work of rising”—A Tribute to David Fetcho

by Jim Friedrich
I first met David and Susan at the California Shape Note Convention in January 2000. They introduced themselves at the lunch break. After hearing my opening prayer that morning, they suspected we were kindred spirits. We quickly discovered a multitude of common bonds, including creative liturgy, filmmaking, music, theater and dance, theology, and radical Christianity.…

Film Review of Wise Blood (1979)

by Sharon Gallagher
Most good things share the quality of being perennial, and Flannery O’Connor’s work is certainly that. It is for this reason that Sharon’s review of the film Wise Blood is included in this Radix issue.…

Interview with Bob Souer

In his three-hundred-plus audiobook repertoire, which includes Thomas Nelson’s complete NKJV, Bob has narrated books from such well-known authors as Scott McKnight, John Shelby Spong, R.C. Sproul, John Piper, David Jeremiah, and many others.…

S.I.T. Before You Stand: An Incarnational Guide to Communication

by Greg Spencer
Power is seductive. Every dictator, elected president, and guru has felt the tug to get his or her own way at the expense of others. Did Jesus? We know he was tempted as we are. Think how easy it would have been for him to say to the Pharisees, "Shut up and get out of the way," or to the disciples, "You dopes! No one obeys less than you do." But he did not abuse his persuasive power.…

Review of Daniel Lanois’ Heavy Sun

by Dan Ouellette
While Daniel Lanois isn’t well-known as a solo artist, in the past four decades he has become recognized as a renowned genius for imparting his alt-eclectic producing touch on high-profile projects.…

Notes from the Catacombs

I think it’s safe to say that our Western culture tends to privilege sight over sound. In this issue of Radix you will be invited to think a little further about the role that sound plays in the experience of our interior and exterior world.…

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