Album Review: Barbara Higbie, “Murmuration”

by Ed Aust
A Grammy-nominated, Bammy award winning composer, pianist, fiddler, singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist, Barbara Higbie has performed on more than 100 albums. Her latest, "Murmuration," is intended to soothe.…

What does God really think of us?

Bradley Jersak is one of those unique people who, besides being quite scholarly, is also especially pleasant to converse with. And he can informatively converse on a lot of topics from theology to pastoring to teaching. He also has written some well-received books of his own (the latest two being A More Christlike Word: Reading Scripture the Emmaus Way, and IN: Incarnation & Inclusion, Abba & Lamb), along with co-authoring alongside others such as William P. Young, author of The Shack.  Maybe what makes Dr. Jersak – though he always goes by “Brad” – special is that he actually lives out what he espouses in word and letter.…

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