Mary’s Moment of Awe

by Max Heine
My favorite carol is “Christ Child Lullaby,” an ancient Scots Gaelic song that originally had twenty-nine verses…

Three Reasons to Read (or Reread) C.S. Lewis’s That Hideous Strength

by Ted Lewis
Can a technocracy really happen? Can technicians and scientists truly rule society? Lewis actually had a deep concern about this prospect. Most readers of Lewis are aware of his theological writings and his fiction. But he also wrote over thirty books and articles that specifically addressed his concern for the way applied science, undergirded by a mechanistic worldview, would pose a serious threat to the modern world. Chief among his worries were innovations in genetic engineering…

Lewis the Sexist?

Interview with Monika Hilder.
Literary critic John Goldthwaite once asserted that "Lewis feared women and disliked them categorically." Novelist Philip Pullman added his two bits: Lewis was "monumentally disparaging of women," claimed Pullman; in fact, "he didn't like women in general, or sexuality at all."…

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