What is an editor's perspective on polarization, harmoney, empathy and reading?…
by Rita Powell…
2024 is the 101 year anniversary of Buber's book I and Thou.…
by Jessica Walters…
Gregory is Head, and Professor of the Religious Studies Department at The University of North Carolina Greensboro. As the Director of UNCG’s Network for the Cultural Study of Videogaming and a founding member of the International Academy for the Study of Gaming and…
Brent has presented their research at museums, cultural centers, and universities across Asia, Europe, and North America. Recent books include Religion and Film: Cinema and the Re-Creation of the World, A History of Religion in 5 ½ Objects, and the co-edited Routledge Handbook of Material Religion.…
Marilyn McEntyre is a glorious blend of author, educator, speaker, poet, and grandparent. Her teaching and writing have ranged widely: along with American literature, she has taught Medical Humanities, Literature and the Natural World, Portraiture and Character in Literature and Art, Approaches to Autobiography, and a variety of other writing courses. Her books – both popular and academic – include the likes of Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies, Speaking Peace in a Climate of Conflict, When Poets Pray, and many others. She has written for numerous magazines and journals and shared her voice in an assortment of podcasts. …
by River Jordan…