In this interactive event, Marilyn shared the art of reading poetry, something she is especially skilled at. She also discussed how fluidity of thought and shifting perspectives shape our understanding and reflected on the place of meditative, poetic writing in today’s world. After discussing her latest book (part of a lineage of works exploring language and spirituality, poetry and prayer, faith and public discourse), we invited questions from participants.
About Marilyn McEntyre: Dr. McEntyre, a longtime professor of literature and medical humanities, teaches for New College Berkeley and Westmont College, and is on the faculty of Western Seminary’s “Sacred Art of Writing” doctor of ministry program as well as the “Forest Dwelling” program at the Oblate School of Theology. She offers spiritual retreats and writing workshops and continues to write about spirituality, language, healthcare and earth care. She also works as a writing coach. Her recent books include When Poets Pray, Speaking Peace in a Climate of Conflict, and a collection of Lenten readings, Where the Eye Alights.
To join in on some of Marilyn’s writing classes, visit the New College Berkely events page
Names mentioned:
Ian McGilchrist, Martin Luther, C. S. Lewis, Josef Pieper, Montaigne, Abraham Heschel, St. Benedict, T.S. Eliot, Christian Wiman, Gerard Manley Hopkins, Naomi Shihab Nye, Northrop Frye, Amy Goodman (Democracy Now), Stephen Nachmanovitch, Lawrence W. Levine, Shakespeare, Picasso, George Steiner, Susan Sontag, Herman Melville, Emily Bronte, W.B. Yeats, Langston Hughes, Robert Ochs.
Books mentioned:
The Matter with Things (Ian McGilchrist)
“Letters in Wartime” (C. S. Lewis)
Leisure: The Basis of Culture (Josef Pieper)
Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies (Marilyn McEntyre)
Speaking Peace in a Climate of Conflict (Marilyn McEntyre)
When Poets Pray (Marilyn McEntyre)
Where the Eye Alights (Marilyn McEntyre)
Poetry on Purpose (Marilyn McEntyre)
Start with a Word (Marilyn McEntyre)
Writing from Inside Out (Marilyn McEntyre)
Midwinter Light (Marilyn McEntyre)
Moby Dick (Herman Melville)
Regarding the Pain of Others (Susan Sontag)
The Educated Imagination (Northrop Frye)
Free Play (Steven Nakmanovich)
What Have You Lost (Naomi Shihab Nye)
Highbrow/Lowbrow (Lawrence Levine)
On Difficulty (George Steiner)
God is More Present Than You Think (Robert Ochs)
Poems Mentioned:
“The Lake Isle of Innisfree” (W.B. Yeats)
“Mother of God” (W.B. Yeats)
“East Coker” (T.S. Eliot)
“Four Quartets” (T.S. Eliot)
“Every Riven Thing” (Christian Wyman)
“Winter Moon” (Langston Hughes)