Restorative Bridging: Ted Lewis and the Fine Art of Bringing Together - Radix Magazine

Restorative Bridging: Ted Lewis and the Fine Art of Bringing Together

Ted Lewis is the founder and coordinator of the Restorative Church project. Along with his other work, Ted works as a restorative consultant and trainer for the Center for Restorative Justice & Peacemaking (University of Minnesota, Duluth), helping new programs nationwide to get established, and training new facilitators. He has taught restorative justice courses at the University of Minnesota Duluth and Bethel University. Since 2014, he has served on the Advisory Council and Board of Directors for the National Association of Community and Restorative Justice. Ted is also the Executive Director of the International Jacques Ellul Society. In addition to his teaching and presenting, Ted is the Acquisitions Editor for Wipf & Stock, and a writer besides.

If the main theme of this interview were to be summed up in two words, it would be “bridge building.” Within that frame is Ted’s own specialty in restorative justice, conflict resolution in various contexts (including the church), and the value of effective communication.

To learn more about Ted, check out the following resources