Resurrection and the Everlasting Image

by Arthur Aghajanian
Resurrection does not only apply to the body of Jesus. It is the cosmic pattern of life. In every death there is a transformation, and when suffering leads us to God we are born anew, just as it was with Jesus after his crucifixion. As an eternal process, there is no separation between incarnation, death, and renewal.…

Hearing with the Heart: Recentering the Feminine at the Core of our Faith

by Talita Jolene
The natural flow from music to ear to heart to embodied response is so innocently exhibited in childhood humanity. When what we hear connects with us deeply, in the heart, there is an inner spiritual resonance that, if allowed, will find outward embodied expression, reciprocating and amplifying the original signal.…

Jean Daniélou’s Prayer as a Political Problem

by Alex Strohschein
Across the West, Christianity is in decline. Some welcome this change – a smaller Church means a purer Church (this might be most indicative of H. Richard Niebuhr's "Christ against culture" paradigm). Even Pope Benedict XVI, writing in 1969, prophesied that "From the crisis of today the Church of tomorrow will emerge—a Church that has lost much.…

Grief and other Sounds of Hope

by Matthew Steem
“There is a noise that is different to grief. Sadness wails and cries and lets loose a sound to the heavens like a baby calling for its mother. That kind of noisy grief is hopeful. It believes that things can be put right, or that help can come. There is a different kind of sound to that. Babies left alone too long do not even cry. They become very still and quiet. They know no one is coming.”…